Sunday, August 28, 2016

First Inquisitorial Mission - Second Session - Retrieve the Darkstar

[08/27/16] (029.014.M42) [Conclude report XC372829b]- Castus and Stern discover that the Darkstar has been taken by a convoy of vehicles to the Oracle near the Bridle Range.  They take the Jolly Dodger and pretend to go on a water hunt.  They scavenge some wrecks and eventually catch up to the convoy headed by The Strap.  They try hanging back and plinking off some of the drivers to no avail.  After getting stuck in a crater during a torrential downpour, Castus and Stern fight off one of the outlier vehicles.  They are both lightly wounded in the exchange.  They lose their Jolly Dodger and hoof it back to Jaw Fortress rescuing a couple of rape victims en route.  During the night, they steal out of the fortress with their own electric vehicle and go to Port Suffering to trade and heal.  They stay another day and head out to the Oracle.  They find the molten wreckage of the convoy steeped in silicon-glass and the melted metal itself is bleeding.  The Darkstar has escaped!  They track her to a cave in the foothills where they skillfully negotiate the ten-year old girl to join the Black Ships to end her suffering with the entities of the Warp.  They take her to the Black Ship in low orbit of Iocanthus and return to Scintilla for debriefing and reward.  Castus Eli is promoted to Shadesman.  Stern Dekko is promoted to Guard.  They each earn a 500 Throne Gelt bonus.  Each earned 450xp. [End of line]

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