Sunday, January 22, 2017

Third Inquisitorial Mission - Sixth Session - The Ignis Fidelis Incident

[01/21/17]  Begin Transmission:  Debriefing of  Trooper Xerxes Severus - Arbitrator at Ignis Fidelis, Sector 5.  117.014.M42:17:20 LST:

"I was Adeptus Arbites under Investigator Jeroboam Gortner in Sector Five in Ignis Fidelis.  I served there for eight months.  This was my first assignment after graduating Quantus.  About a hundred days ago I was on the hunt for a serial murderer in the slag pits, that's what we call the purificator levels.  I was with a certain archivist for the Administratum, a valet named Cortez.  We found the source of the murders and it was none other than a horde of ghillam, or hullghasts or some such mutants.  Anyway, we were outnumbered and I was blowing them away with my shotgun.  I killed a few.  But someone got us with a webber and we were taken to some boss mutie called Heat Mizer, I guess because he likes melta guns and flamers.  He wore a suit of boarding armor with a reinforced photo-visor.  It looked like a firesuit.  He told us he kept us alive for the Ritual, whatever that was.  They took all our gear and fed us with some foul foods and drink, the bare minimum to keep us alive.  A few weeks later I reckon, these folks showed up with a bunch of autoguns and grenades blowing the hell outta the place.  I was able to finally make some progress in freeing myself from the sticky webbing and helped them attack the mutants.  I nearly died on a couple of occasions as Heat Mizer burned a couple streams of melta past me.  It was a near debacle.  Two of them died, one of them was Simon who was an overseer in Sector Nine.  He gave me the heavy flamer he was carrying around.  The other casualty was Cortez who struggled late to get out of the webbing.  Two more lost their arms.  But we finally killed Heat Mizer when I caught him on fire with the heavy flamer.  He was damned diehard.  Anyway, he started cooking off promethium and melta fuel and I hurried to get the crew back to their lander in Bay Twelve.  The co-pilot was a decent medicae and helped Stern and Castus as we made our way back to their survey ship."

End of Line.

Begin Transmission:  Communique from Throne Agent <classified> to Magos Geza Takahashi-44.  119.014.M42:  Hive Tarsus, Scintilla.

"Your expertise is necessary for the grafting of artificial limbs (right and left arms) for Stern Dekko and Castus Eli, both acolytes for the Inquisition under Inquisitor <classified>.  They have served the Emperor well and deserve these merits.  Our donative to the Priests of Mars shall be as we agreed yesterday.  I want no complications.  Thank you."

Magos Geza Takahashi-44 to Throne Agent <classified> 122.014.M42:  Hive Sibellus, Scintilla.

"The operations were both successful.  Once again the Omnissiah has gifted your acolytes with the parting of useless flesh and replaced it with the sturdy and eternal components of plastic and hypoallergenic steel.  Castus had some issues with twisting his wrist to the right quickly, but prayers and rituals to the Omnissiah have ensured its correction.  Call upon me again if you should have need of me."

Intercepted vox-pattern transmission from Taltos (no known ID) to Cavendish (ID #38di0q3933i) Gunmetal City, Scintilla.

"I have a suspicion that the one who killed Meiko in the urinals of the Panopticus is the same one who offed your master.  He has done us a supreme indignity but did not upset Twojob's wetwork.  Nonetheless, he should be taught a lesson in manners.  I have already forwarded the gelt to your account.  Here are several pics of him taken from the Panopticus security cherubim.  Send him a message.  The Omazu will not forget."

Communique from Throne Agent <classified> to Inquisitor <classified>  120.014.M42:

"Gamma Protocol successful, master.  They made it to the Second Magnitude before they fell.  It would have been a total wash if it was not for a certain arbitrator called Xerxes Severus.  He was debriefed and found free of corruption and insanity.  Request X be added to Sigma Jericho."

Reply comm from Inquisitor <classified> to Throne Agent <classified>  132.014.M42:

"Good.  They are improving.  However, if you recall, cabal Omicron Tyre made it to Fourth Magnitude and still fell to sinful chaos.  But the fact they there was no retreat until the foe was in flames warms my Imperial heart, and gives gladness to the Emperor.  You did well to replace their lost limbs and, yes, include Xerxes to Sigma Jericho.  Should he refuse, follow standard procedure.  This ends the Protocols.  They are now Trusted Servants (except for Xerxes, he is still in initiate status).  Begin Operation Real Life."

Communique from Throne Agent <classified> to Inquisitor <classified> 143.014.M42:

"I would like the records to indicate my concern as I think ORL is too soon at this juncture, but it is not my will but the Emperor's be done.  As you wish, master."

Stern Dekko earned 200 xp and an artificial arm.
Castus Eli earned 200 xp and an artificial arm.
Xerxes Severus earned 330 xp and a permanent Fate Point.

End of Line.

Third Inquisitorial Mission - Fifth Session - The Ignis Fidelis Incident

[12/10/16]  Throne Agent <classified> briefing to Sigma Jericho - 087.014.M42:

"Orbiting the ninth moon of the gas giant Synford IV, the industrial orbital complex called Ignis Fidelis processes the ores of the nearby asteroid belt.  The station is six hundred years old and has a contigent of Adeptus Mechanicus priests on hand to console and placate the machine spirits that infest the extractors and purifiers there.
Since the culmination of the Malygrisian Tech-Heresy sixty-seven years ago, the system is a shadow of its former glory as a forge world.  It still operates but barely so, at great expense and longer time.
Several chartist vessels have recorded a distress signal coming from the station.  The last signal was recorded over ninety Standard days ago.  There are no Adeptus Astartes within closer than eight weeks warp-route, therefore, you will have to do.
Certain catchwords used in the distress signal seem to indicate heretical influence.  We will send you in a lighter vessel from the Imperial Survey Ship, Panopticus, to land on the station and ascertain what is going on there.  The Survey vessel will stay within vox range in orbit of Synford IV, but do not be surprised if the strange magnetosphere surrounding the gas giant interferes with vox signals.  It has happened there in the past and was a well-known issue on Ignis Fidelis.  Investigate, transcribe, record and report.  May the God-Emperor of Mankind cast his eternal light upon your endeavors."

End of briefing

Intel gathered from data slate #38djke83io3k possessed by Acolyte Castus Eli - 117.014.M42:

"Lighter craft Malatesta inserted our cabal consisting of myself, Stern Dekko and Twerda Fuqarwi into Ignis Fidelis on 097.014.M42:16:44 IST.  Told Malatesta to wait for us.  We had a three hour window before they left for the Panopticus.  We found carnage and the taint of mutation throughout this cursed refinery.  Bodies of Adeptus Mechanicus enginseers and servitors were strewn over catwalks and hung from cables and cords from the pipes in the ceilings.  We found a startled Mechanicus prole called Caleb 7803 who was in the grips of total fear.  He told us of the Pale Throng and how they convert humans into their kind which is a strange amalgam of living and dead tissue.  We put him out of his misery and moved on to a barricaded control facility where we found a frightened laborator called Simon who brandished a stub revolver at us.  After we talked him down and revealed our inquisitorial affiliation, he joined our cause to eliminate the foul threat of the Pale Throng.  He further informed us that there were two bosses in charge of the facility:  Heat Miser and Cold Miser, and they, in turn, were enslaved by The Master who holds court in Core Vault One in the center of the refinery.  He was in possession of a heretical artifact known as the Inverted Crown which holds all the Pale Throng in thrall.  To destroy it, we needed to locate the Holy Charge Pack of St. Nicolai of the Sainted Claws which is supposedly attuned to a frequency to destroy the atomic structure of the unholy Crown.  Stern had a laspistol.  I hoped that was enough as none of us carried any lasweapons.  
He then led us to a freight elevator and we went to the next level down.  There we encountered a dozen mutants led by a hulking super-mutant wielding a heavy flamer.  We slew the lot and took possession of the heavy flamer.  Due to its bulk, we gave it to Simon who was reluctant to carry it.  We discovered that Heat Miser was above us in a sealed tank and there were two entrances into it.  We tried the first and somehow we ruined the maglock such that we could no longer enter.  We moved around to the other one and encountered more mutants on the catwalks.  Slaying them easily enough, we finally reached the second entrance where the maglock was intact..."

To be continued next session...

Intercepted transcript from Outlier courier over shigawire <classified>.  Gunmetal City, Scintilla.

First Voice:  (Asian accent) "So let me see if I have this right?  You say this guy pounded your servo-skull to dust then grabbed a soda-straw and sniffed the crushed bone fragments up his nose?"

Second Voice:  (Calixis accent) "Yes.  Then his eyes went wild and his nose started bleeding.  Then Meiko gave him a warning or something and went to the restroom."

FV:  "What did you do during this time?"

SV:  "I walked in a few seconds later, saw this tatooed, blonde headed brute kicking the holy hell outta Meiko and Yashido.  There was blood all on the tiled floor and Meiko was face down in a urinal that that idiot kept flushing while slapping Yashido around."

FV:  "And you did....what?"

SV:  "I got the fuck outta there.  That guy's fuckin' nuts!"

FV:  "I see.  Then what did you do?"

SV:  "I went back to my seat in the lounge.  Later, that nutjob comes out with water all over him and he sits next to his buddies at the bar and puts his arm around some suit.  I think he's gay."

FV:  "Get to the point.  Did you do anything to stop him later on?"

SV:  ", sir.  I kept out of it so someone could tell you what happened."

FV:  "I see.  Well, you've done your job.  Congratulations."  (sound of two muffled thumps.  Then a door hisses.)
FV:  "Get this pathetic carcass out of my sight."

Third Voice:  (Gunmetal accent)  "Yessir.  There's a guy just come in.  He mentioned our contact in Praetoris, should I let him in?"

FV:  "Well, who the hell is he?"

TV:  "He says he works for the Inquisition.  He showed us his rosette--"

FV:  "By the Emperor's Balls!  Let him in for fuck's sake!  If he's an inky, then we--"

(Sound of a crack and a heavy thud)  FV:  Holy Mother Terra!

Fourth Voice:  (Core accent)  "When I show my authority I expect to be shown in.  Not to wait for an indeterminate period of time."

FV:  "Of course, inquisitor.  Excuse my servants they don't know their manners.  Please, have a seat."

4V:  "I prefer to stand.  (sound of a lho-stick igniting)  I understand you are a person of some importance in the Gunmetal underworld."

FV:  "I...uh...well....yes, I suppose, I er..."

4V:  "You lost two of your goons recently on an Imperial survey ship bound for Synford?"

FV:  "Uh... yes I did."

4V:  "Then you and I have much to discuss..."

End of shigawire manuscript <classified>.
End Of Line.

Monday, October 31, 2016

Second Inquisitorial Mission - Fourth Session - The Glass Assassin

[10/28/16]  (044.014.M42)  Begin transmission from Throne Agent <deleted> to cabal Ordo Hereticus Sigma Jericho.  Begin report XD 77255267.6a

"Acolytes, we have received ... indications, that the Lord of Hive Tarsus, Lucius, is going to be killed in the next few days, as he
collects the Emperor's Tithe from surrounding habitats. A colleague, Inquisitor Markus Moncrieff, has been hot on the trail of a cult
that has infiltrated the court but he has been seriously injured.
The Inquisition has assessed the threat to the Imperium and has decided to dispatch a small group of Acolytes to join the court of
Lord Lucius as he travels the desert.
You have been chosen.
One noble is inconsequential to the Imperium but heresy in the Administratum is a threat we cannot ignore. Help Moncrieff. Find
what you can and report back. Any questions? "

To Inquisitor <deleted> from Throne Agent <deleted> Hive Sibellus/Scintilla/Calixis Sector:

Most Distinguished Inquisitor, Sir,
Cabal Sigma Jericho has succeeded excellently in finishing the investigation that the late Inquisitor Markus Moncrieff could not.  Not only did they halt the Cult of Extremesis' foul ritual before it took place, but they have incontrovertible evidence that Roderick Ritter was involved and that Inquisitor Moncrieff was tainted by xeno-tech.  He has been executed with extreme prejudice, the Eldar wraithbone construct shards and circlet has been removed to our Laboratoria for auspex, and Lord Lucius Ritter of Hive Tarsus is free of taint and has not been harmed during the inquest.
The introduction of Twerda of the Fuqarwi tribe from the feral world of the same name, did not seem to affect the cabal in any of the ways we talked about.  They took him in speedily and when he did the final deed of exterminating Moncrieff, Gekko and Eli did not balk.  I think it is quite obvious that despite their criminal past, these three acolytes are definitely of Puritan philosophy concerning the Inquisition and its role.
Request we pass over Beta Protocol and move immediately to Gamma.

Yours in all things,
<Signature deleted>

Reply message from Inquisitor <deleted> to Throne Agent <deleted>, <location deleted>:

Dutiful servant,
I agree that we should proceed in all haste to Gamma Protocol.  But keep in mind that Moncrieff had friends... powerful friends within the Holy Inquisition.  It is not impossible for other radical cabals of Ordo Xenos to seek revenge for the loss of their master.  Be sure to inform Sigma Jericho to beware of internecine intrigue.
Your humble Dominus,
<Signature deleted>

All players received 500xp and 1 permanent Fate Point each for this mission.

<End report.  End of Line.>

Sunday, August 28, 2016

First Inquisitorial Mission - Second Session - Retrieve the Darkstar

[08/27/16] (029.014.M42) [Conclude report XC372829b]- Castus and Stern discover that the Darkstar has been taken by a convoy of vehicles to the Oracle near the Bridle Range.  They take the Jolly Dodger and pretend to go on a water hunt.  They scavenge some wrecks and eventually catch up to the convoy headed by The Strap.  They try hanging back and plinking off some of the drivers to no avail.  After getting stuck in a crater during a torrential downpour, Castus and Stern fight off one of the outlier vehicles.  They are both lightly wounded in the exchange.  They lose their Jolly Dodger and hoof it back to Jaw Fortress rescuing a couple of rape victims en route.  During the night, they steal out of the fortress with their own electric vehicle and go to Port Suffering to trade and heal.  They stay another day and head out to the Oracle.  They find the molten wreckage of the convoy steeped in silicon-glass and the melted metal itself is bleeding.  The Darkstar has escaped!  They track her to a cave in the foothills where they skillfully negotiate the ten-year old girl to join the Black Ships to end her suffering with the entities of the Warp.  They take her to the Black Ship in low orbit of Iocanthus and return to Scintilla for debriefing and reward.  Castus Eli is promoted to Shadesman.  Stern Dekko is promoted to Guard.  They each earn a 500 Throne Gelt bonus.  Each earned 450xp. [End of line]

First Inquisitorial Mission - First Session - Iocanthus - Retrieve the Darkstar

[07/09/16] (004.014.M42)>>  [Begin Transmission Throne Agent <deleted> briefing to Ordo Hereticus Cabal Sigma Jericho]  "This is the world of Iocanthos.  You may have heard of it.  It is a prominent system in the Calixis Sector, one of the Big Three!  There are three systems that are paramount to the economic stability of this sector and other nearby sectors besides:  You are on one of them, Scintilla, the capital of this sector, Sepheris Secundus with their mining complexes and cheap labor, and Iocanthos with their harvesting of the Ghostfire Pollen, a unique commodity used by the Imperial Guard in the Segmentum Obscurus of which we are a part.
"Every twenty-five years or so, Iocanthos pays the Imperial Tithe which the Black Ships of the Inquisition and the Administratum ships retrieve.  Part of that tithe is the psykers needed to sing their praises to the Emperor of Man on Holy Terra.  All psykers must be given up to the Black Ships during the Tithe.  Failure to do so can cause a breach of goodwill on the part of the system and may lead to Exactus pogroms, Administratum audits and such.  The results of Iocanthos' Tithe has been recently registered by the bean-counters of the Imperium and they are found wanting.
"A psyker of great power has not been given up to the Emperor.  This person is called the Darkstar by the indigenes of Iocanthos and that person must be given up.  They think they have outsmarted the Imperium, but as you know, that is impossible.  Your mission is to secure this Darkstar and bring it to Port Suffering where a lander will take it to the Black Ship in orbit of Iocanthos.
The Darkstar is located on one of the many kingdoms and petty baronies on the planet.  This one is in the Overhauled Plains, called the Brotherhood of the Jaw.  Apparently, all their leaders wear these enormous metal jaw extenders with equally obnoxious teeth.  It seems to be a grotesque parody of the Ork Nobz.  In any case, their leader, one called Vervai Everhard the Strap, has possession of the Darkstar and will not give it up to the Emperor.  This has caused him to be the enemy of almost every other kingdom on the continent, but while he frets his cares away on his external threats, we will infiltrate his kingdom stealthily and take the Darkstar from his clutches.  Your dataslates will be downloaded with the geographic data needed to find his fortress.  You will also be given enough thrones to purchase whatever local provisions and equipment you will need.  Remember, blend in and say nothing of the Inquisition.  Keep a log of your daily thoughts and findings.  These will be reviewed by my master or mistress upon your return.  Should you return...   Any questions?"

[07/09/16] (007.014.M42) [Begin Report XC372829b]- Castus Eli (a sell-steel) and Stern Dekko (a conscript) travel from the Tricorn Palace on Scintilla to Port Suffering on Iocanthus to secure a powerful pskyer called the Darkstar from a tribe called the Brotherhood of the Jaw.  They get a vehicle, drive to the Jaw Fortress and prove their worth to a certain Jericus Grimm, and are allowed to help defend the fortress in case of attack.  Stern is proven as a Driver while Castus is proven as a Killer.  These are apparently castes attributed to the Brotherhood of the Jaw.